Aether Apothecary Relax Tincture 30 ml

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  • Regular price R 125.00

This wonderful herbal blend by Aether has been made to assist those that are not managing to cope with Stress and/or Anxiety. Stress has an extremely damaging effect on the health of our bodies and minds, and because of this, they have created a blend which helps to soothe and lessen the side effects of stress. It also promotes a more efficient management of it. The blend will help to relax the mind and body in times of stress, and decrease cortisol production.

Other Benefits:

  1. Helos to uplift mood
  2. Reduction in production of cortisol
  3. Adaptogenic
  4. Anti-anxiety 
  5. Neuroprotective 


Take 10 drops 1-3 x daily or as needed 

Use in the Morning/ midday use to uplift mood, calm the mind

Use in the Evening/ bedtime to improve sleeping patterns.


 Ashwagandha, Vervain Mucuna Sceletium and Jasmine

Rain Water & 99% Laboratory Grade Ethanol


This product has not been approved by SAPRA to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. Seek the advice of a trusted health care professional for your specific health concerns. If you have a medical condition or are pregnant please consult your primary health care provider before use.